Acupuncture and Integrative Chinese Medicine

Find Balance for Well-Being

You will receive a professionally guided and personally oriented set of recommendations that combines therapies including acupuncture, herbal medicine, massage, counseling and nutrition to provide you with an integrated treatment plan.


Since 1996, the World Health Organization has recognized acupuncture as a safe and effective therapy for the treatment of a wide range of conditions. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) originated in China for over 2500 years and has been effectively used to treat a variety of diseases. TCM practitioners use a variety of practices such as herbal medicine, acupuncture, cupping, moxabustion, Guasha, electro-stimulation and tuina to treat and prevent health problems. This holistic approach allows the root of the problem to be dealt instead if treating symptomatically.

How Acupuncture and Integrative Chinese Medicine can help you


According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), optimal health is achieved via a relative balance in the whole human body and the harmonious flow of blood and energy (called chi). Conventional medicine refers to this balance as homeostasis. Disease or dis-equilibrium appears when the balance is disturbed.

Imbalances are common, and can occur in one or more body systems. TCM associates these systems with organ names, such as liver, kidney, lung and pericardium, whereas western medicine refers to these as the circulatory, nervous, muscle/skeletal, and endocrine systems.

Integrative Chinese Medicine uses diet, exercise, herbal therapy, massage and acupuncture  to restore balance. Treatments can help you with:


  • Back pain
  • Stomach and bowel disorders
  • Women’s health concerns
  • Fertility
  • Nausea
  • Depression
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Post-surgery pain, anxiety and depression
  • Pre-surgery anxiety